Research and Infrastructure

Research Infrastructure

Learn more about the Technion state-of-the-art research infrastructure centers and cutting-edge technologies. We invite you to explore the vast resources available, enabling groundbreaking advancements and driving the future of technology together. Partner with us to leverage the full potential of Technion’s expertise and facilities, and let's create impactful solutions for tomorrow’s challenges.
Research Infrastructure Website

Human Health Initiative

Human health stands out as one of humanity's grand challenges for the 21st century and beyond. Like other grand challenges, the advancement of human health requires multidisciplinary efforts – the fusion of life, physical, data, and behavioral sciences, clinical practices, engineering, and design. In Aug. 2020, the Technion launched the Technion Human Health Initiative (THHI), an institution-wide, comprehensive program to tackle this challenge – from the patient bed to pharma, diagnostics, and materials, through medical devices, robotics, big data, and artificial intelligence, all the way to environmental hazards, food technology, patient-centered clinical practices, hospital design, and well-being
Human Health Initiative Website
The Technion promotes sustainability on local, national, and global levels through education, research, and environmentally responsible operations. As a leading technological institution in Israel, it is committed to training engineers and scientists to address environmental challenges and preserve natural resources.

The Sustainability Center, established as a continuation of the "Green Campus" initiative, operates within the Technion's Operations Division, collaborating with campus units, faculty, and students. The center focuses on environmental issues such as energy, water, waste management, air pollution, and transportation.
Technion Sustainability Website