
Board of Governors

Technion Council

Technion Deans

Prof. Ayelet Fishman

Dean of Students

Prof. Hossam Haick

Dean of Undergraduate Studies

Prof. Uri Peskin

Dean of the Graduate School

Prof. Stavit Allon-Shalev

Dean, School of Continuing Studies of the Technion

Faculty Deans

Prof. Karel Martens

Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning

Prof. Michael Glickman

Faculty of Biology

Prof. Ori Lahav

Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Prof. Josué Sznitman

Faculty of Biomedical Engineering

Prof. Yoed Tsur

Faculty of Chemical Engineering

Prof. Daniella Raveh

Faculty of Aerospace Engineering

Prof. Ester H. Segal

Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Engineering

Prof. Eugen Rabkin

Faculty of Materials Science & Engineering

Prof. Idit Keidar

Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Prof. Alon Wolf

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Prof. Rann Smorodinsky

Faculty of Data and Decision Sciences

Prof. Efrat Lifshitz

Faculty of Chemistry

Prof. Danny Raz

Faculty of Computer Science

Prof. Ehud Moshe Baruch

Faculty of Mathematics

Prof. Adi Nusser

Faculty of Physics

Prof. Ami Aronheim

Faculty of Medicine

Prof. Miriam Barak

Faculty of Education in Science and Technology

Prof. Ron Meir

Department of Humanities and Arts

Organizational Structure