The Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs oversees the entire spectrum of academic matters concerning the academic staff at the Technion – senior faculty, research fellows, teaching fellows, academic visitors and postdoctoral fellows. These matters are managed by the Academic Staff Office team. In addition to appointment, promotions, and tenure processes, the Academic Staff Office team takes care of academic awards and recognition, academic chairs, sabbaticals and travel, the Harvey Prize, procedures for conferring honorary doctorates, housing for new faculty, external employment, differential grants, discipline of academic staff, and other related issues.
The Office for Academic Staff SiteAdv. Vered Raz
Head, Office for Academic Staff
Senate Building floor 5
Room 507
Evelin Arobas
Senior Secretary
Senate Building floor 5
Room 507
Dor Sender
Office of Academic Staff and Evpaa Coordination
Senate Building floor 5
Room 507