In a fair showcasing their keystone projects, students from the Henry and Marilyn Taub faculty of Computer Science showed off their work. The faculty puts high value on independent work as part of a graduate’s training process. As such, the projects give students opportunity to integrate everything they’ve learned.

The students tackled a wide variety of Computer Science disciplines. Some created mobile apps; others built devices, delving into the evolving field of the Internet of Things. Many chose projects with a social impact, helping the community with various helpful tools.

CS project fair

CS project fair

The projects were supervised by faculty including Itai Dabran, Tom Sofer, Yaron Hay, Tom Rahav and Yousef Break, Tomer Ron, Ofek Bengal-Shmueli, and others. Here’s a sample of what the students presented:

  • An app for a medical equipment gemach: Lev Hedva is a voluntary organisation that loans out medical equipment, free of charge. It was in need of an administrative tool to track equipment and volunteers, easier to use than pen and paper. Students Alon Kitin, Amir Alkalay, Elad Badikhi, Ido Magner, Linoy Keren, Matan Beigel, Tomer Katz and Uriya Habura,, together with the Technion Social Hub, rose to the challenge. With an interface for volunteers, administrators, and clients, the app streamlines the process of getting all the relevant medical equipment to those who need it.
  • Guitar Hero glove: Rehabilitating the fingers after injury, or a neurological event takes repeating the same motion over and over, touching the tip of each finger with the thumb again and again. But what if the experience could be gamified? This group actually makes the process fun. Nadav Heller, Eran Cohen, and Gilad El-Dor constructed a glove with electronic fingertips, turning the boring repetition into Guitar Hero, even with performance stats for each finger.
  • A boost for the Olympic windsurfing team: In every country, in every sport, cutting-edge technology helps athletes go faster, higher, stronger. Tracking the athletes’ movement and the forces they exert is one way to analyze and improve their performance. The BioMotion Lab, led by Prof. Arielle Fischer from the Faculty of Biomedical engineering, partnered with Computer Science students Nikol Roshrosh, Marina Khizgilova and Omri Ben-Altabe to create a graphical interface for the body sensors athletes wear in training. This tool will help our athletes go for the gold.
  • Sports for people with intellectual disabilities: the apps we use aren’t really made for people with intellectual disabilities. But the tools we use, such as sports tracking apps –could benefit those people, just as well, to stay fit and healthy. Students Galia Yahya and cousins Mohamed and Adan Wattad partnered with the Etgarim non-profit to create a simplified training app. Etgarim match each user with a coach and training program. The app enables communication between all of them, with activity tracking.
  • Travel as a family: Have you ever travelled with family? Tried to schedule things to please everyone? How about make sure someone’s bringing the sunscreen? And what if, , when you arrive, you find nobody brought one? Tom Dana, Elad Levy and Shahar Shitrit decided to cut through trip-planning chaos with an app that combines a calendar schedule, equipment lists, a map, and more. Called “Travel Maker”, the app is available in the Google Store.
Elijah Alovich from "Lev Hedva" with students

Elijah Alovich from “Lev Hedva” with students

The Technion congratulates the graduating computer science students on their achievements, and wishes them tremendous success!

Our ability to recall past events, even distant ones, reflects a stability of memory and the parts of our brain responsible for it. On the other hand, new experiences integrating into old ones indicate memory plasticity.

In the hippocampus, spatial representations also show the same duality: short-term stability, and drift in the long term. According to Prof. Dori Derdikman from the Ruth & Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, “We hypothesized that experience, more than the passage of time, is the driving force behind representational drift. We compared the stability of place cells’ representations of mice traversing two similar, familiar tracks for different durations. We found that the more time the animals spent actively traversing the environment, the greater the representational drift, regardless of the total elapsed time between visits.”

Prof. Dori Derdikman

Prof. Dori Derdikman (Photo credit: Ellie Lev Eitan)

Dorgham Khatib

Dorgham Khatib

Dr. Genela Morris

Dr. Genela Morris

The researchers’ conclusion is that spatial representation is a dynamic process related to the ongoing experiences within a specific context, and is related to memory update rather than to passive forgetting. “Our study shows that memory drift is connected to using our memories,” says Prof. Derdikman. “If we stand in a room, we recall previous visits, and our brain might update how we remember this room. On the other hand, when we’re at a different place, our memory of that room doesn’t change.” There are practical implications to these findings. For example, in treating traumatic memories; to change the memory of a traumatic event, it must be recalled. Otherwise, it remains frozen in memory, and the trauma can’t be treated.

Technion-Israel Institute of Technology and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center continue to advance their data-driven research and education program.

Experts within each institution are training a core group of investigators skilled in biomedical informatics, who will provide a platform for local expertise and collaborative studies. The goal is to use large data sets to help clinicians, researchers and scientists improve precision medicine, discover treatments, and deliver the best possible healthcare.

The two institutions are working to elevate pediatric medicine on a global scale by leveraging Cincinnati Children’s expertise in patient care, basic research, and translational research with Technion’s excellence in computer science, engineering, and bioinformatics.

The collaboration, called the “Bridge to Next-Gen Medicine,” connects Tech.AI.BioMed, the medical arm of Technion’s Artificial Intelligence hub, Tech.AI, headed by Prof. Shai Shen-Orr from the Rappaport Faculty of Medicine at the Technion, with various departments at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. The program includes joint workshops, online lectures, faculty/student exchange visits, and research projects. In addition to training in biomedical informatics, the collaboration seeks to advance medicine by using various types of big data for research and developing new approaches to clinical care, including artificial intelligence.

Joint Webinar

Joint Webinar: Technion and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital

On June 22, 2023, a joint webinar took place, bringing together researchers from both institutions to present capabilities in the field of AI in pediatrics, including recipients of the program’s joint research grants.

According to Prof. Marc Rothenberg, who leads the collaboration on behalf of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, “The joint program between the Technion and the Children’s Hospital focuses on the connection between computational biology and pediatrics. The two institutions are leaders in these fields, so the joint work is expected to pave the way for groundbreaking scientific discoveries.”

“The collaboration with the hospital in Cincinnati”, conclude Prof. Shen-Orr, Prof. Tzipi Horowitz-Kraus and Prof Itzhak Kehat, who lead this collaboration on behalf of the Technion, “constitutes another necessary step of the Technion Artificial Intelligence Hub to develop and grow a research activity in the field of developmental medicine focusing on pediatrics. This step continues previous steps taken just this year by Tech.AI.BioMed, such as launching the Zimin Institute for AI solutions in medicine, that promote the use of AI to improve healthcare.”

Cultured meat, the lab production of meat from isolated farm animal cells using tissue engineering techniques, is considered an alternative to meat, thus providing meat-like products with similar eating experience and nutritional values to animal-derived meat. Aiming for a low environmental impact and enhanced animal welfare, this alternative not only offers an available protein source for the world’s growing population, but also a more humane and sustainable one.

Cultured hamburger being fried

Cultured hamburger being fried

In the collaborative research by Prof. Machluf, Prof Fishman, and Prof. Davidovich-Pinhas from the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Engineering at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, the researchers address some of the major technological challenges facing the cultured meat field: the development of technical solutions for scalable cell expansion, cell scaffolding, and cell-to-meat processing. The researchers introduced a new approach for the development of diverse cultured meat products, based on edible vegetable-based scaffolds in combination with vegetable-oil gel (oleogel) fat substitute. In this approach, cell expansion is carried out using microcarriers, which act as scaffolds for cell attachment and proliferation, thus enabling a scalable process in bioreactors. Since the microcarriers were designed from edible materials, they can be directly incorporated into the final cultured meat product without requiring any costly cell harvesting steps.

Another essential building block of cultured meat is a fat substitute, which contributes to its tenderness and juiciness as well as to the overall taste. To this end, a vegetable-oil gel fat substitute was developed and incorporated with plant protein. The novel formulation exhibited comparable appearance, color, and hardness to beef fat, with better nutritional values. Furthermore, due to its protein shell, the fat substitute could be easily combined with the protein-rich microtissues into a coherent structure.

Schematic illustration of the cultured meat platform. Edible microcarrier-derived microtissues are first produced in a scalable bioreactor and then undergo processing such as aggregation or homogenization. The processed cellular mass is further incorporated with an oleogel-based fat substitute followed by food processing methodologies to generate cultured meat prototypes. Created with

Schematic illustration of the cultured meat platform. Edible microcarrier-derived microtissues are first produced in a scalable bioreactor and then undergo processing such as aggregation or homogenization. The processed cellular mass is further incorporated with an oleogel-based fat substitute followed by food processing methodologies to generate cultured meat prototypes. Created with

Two types of cultured meat prototypes are described in the paper: layered cultured meat and burger-like cultured meat. The layered cultured meat prototype was produced based on microtissue aggregates that supported better stiffness and nutritional values, while the burger-like cultured meat utilized homogenized microtissues to imitate the marbling appearance of animal-derived meat.

Altogether, taking a multidisciplinary approach, this work establishes the technological basis for a unique cultured meat platform that may broaden the applicability of cultured meat products and accelerate their commercial production.

The study was conducted by postdoctoral fellows Dr. Jovana Glusac and PhD student Feng-Chun Yen. Additional contributors included Dr. Anton Zernov, senior research fellow Dr. Limor Baruch, and PhD student Shira Galperin-Levi from the lab of Prof. Machluf. The research was funded by GFI – The Good Food Institute.

The Formula Technion team has recently unveiled the 2023 race car, an autonomous electric vehicle, the first of its kind to be constructed in the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. The new car, unveiled at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering project fair, will compete this summer in Spain, Portugal, and Croatia.

Formula Technion 2023 team, with the new race car

Formula Technion 2023 team, with the new race car

70 students from multiple faculties took part in the planning and construction of the vehicle. These include the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, the Henry and Marilyn Taub Faculty of Computer Science, the Andrew and Erna Viterbi Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the Faculty of Physics, the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering. The team is headed by Majd Jaraysi, a Bachelor’s student at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, who’s been part of the team for four years running.

The new race car is a rear-wheel drive vehicle, with a single engine providing 81 hp. It weighs 260 kg, can reach 120 kph, and accelerates from 0 to 100 kph in 3.1 seconds.

The 1st autonomous electric vehicle developed at the Technion

The 1st autonomous electric vehicle developed at the Technion

The Formula Technion project was established in 2012 in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. From its first year, the team was winning prestigious prizes in European competitions. One of the vehicles constructed over the years was recognized as the lightest car in the world.

In addition to designing and constructing the race car, this year the development team started work on a rolling chassis made from composite materials, aiming to replace the current chassis, reduce weight and improve torsion resistance. The students believe this will be the first step in a new stage of research and development on the project.

This summer, the Formula Technion team raced at Formula Student Portugal and got 3rd place in Autonomous track and 6th in Electric track out of roughly 1000 universities participating.

Formula Technion Team – Summer 2023

They likewise placed 2nd in Formula Student Spain (static track) for their Business Plan presentation.

Formula Technion across the years

Technion news – July 2023 🎓🔬

This June, Technion held its annual Board of Governors meeting. Here are the highlights: Technion celebrates milestones, honours its friends, lays down infrastructure for new research. Read more here.

Researchers in the Andrew and Erna Viterbi Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering have demonstrated control over an emerging material, which they consider as a possible future alternative to silicon in microelectronics. This is a timely development, because  scientists and engineers face challenges in continuing the transistor shrinking trend, an important driver of computer chip performance.

L-R: Dr. Maria Baskin, Lishai Shoham, Prof. Lior Kornblum

L-R: Dr. Maria Baskin, Lishai Shoham, Prof. Lior Kornblum

Integrated circuits, more commonly known as computer chips, or simply chips, are at the core of modern life, responsible for processing, storing, and transferring massive amounts of data. Chips are responsible for countless tasks, including vaccine development, spacecraft designs, internet infrastructure, big data, autonomous vehicles, artificial intelligence, and the internet of things.

The continuous performance improvement of these chips has been driven by shrinking the size of the most basic logic “Lego” piece – the transistor. Transistors are miniature switches that control the flow of electric currents, analogous to a faucet controlling the flow of water. Already in the early 1960s, Gordon Moore, the founder of Intel, proposed that the transistors’ miniaturization rate should allow doubling of the number of transistors per area every 2 years. This prediction, coined Moore’s Law, has dictated the miniaturization rate for decades. Presently modern chips contain billions of transistors on about a square centimeter.

In 2007, Moore declared that his law would come to an end within a few years. The CEO of Nvidia expressed an even more pessimistic view last year, saying that “Moore’s Law is dead,” a view shared by other technology experts.

L-R: Dr. Maria Baskin, Prof. Lior Kornblum and Lishai Shoham, in the lab

L-R: Dr. Maria Baskin, Prof. Lior Kornblum and Lishai Shoham, in the lab

Professor Lior Kornblum of the Viterbi Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering explains that, “as a result of the continuous miniaturization, modern transistors are only a few dozen atoms across. Because they are already so small, continuing miniaturizing without compromising their performance is becoming increasingly challenging. On the nanometric scale, the transistors behave in new ways that are different than their larger predecessors.”

One manifestation of this problem is leakage of electric current when the transistor (switch) is supposed to be off. Prof. Kornblum explains that “it can be compared to a leaking faucet, multiplied by a billion; this could result in a lot of wasted ‘water.’ In a modern phone with billions of transistors, the tiniest current leakage will accumulate into a considerable waste of energy. This could quickly drain the battery and cause excessive heating of the device. Zooming out, when thinking server farms and data centers, the energy waste can be substantial and produce considerable heat.”

There are multiple approaches and strategies to tackle these challenges. One promising direction is the search for alternatives to silicon, the workhorse of today’s chips. Prof. Kornblum’s research group is studying various oxide materials, one of which has a useful property: it can switch from being an electrical conductor to an insulator – and back. The researchers want to harness this property for future transistors that could potentially switch more efficiently.

L-R: Dr. Maria Baskin, Lishai Shoham, and Prof. Lior Kornblum in the Sara and Moshe Zisapel Nanoelectronics Center

L-R: Dr. Maria Baskin, Lishai Shoham, and Prof. Lior Kornblum in the Sara and Moshe Zisapel Nanoelectronics Center

Developing such a technology requires precise control of the material properties. The Technion researchers demonstrated a route for manipulating the material’s electric properties by precisely controlling the distance between its atoms. Laboratory manager, Dr. Maria Baskin, achieved this by using a unique oxide growth system; she deposited layers of atoms one on top of the other, thereby growing films of the material. Thanks to this delicate growth process, she was able to set the distances between atoms with a picometer (one-thousandth of a nanometer) precision. In comparison, the distance between two atoms in silicon is approximately one-quarter of a nanometer, or 250 picometers.

This unique oxide growth system was established at the Technion with significant investment, and it is the enabler for developing the next generations of semiconductors, magnetic materials, and renewable energy materials such as cutting-edge catalysts.

“Every morning, I come to the lab and ‘fire-up’ the system,” explains Dr. Baskin. “We can choose from a variety of atoms, control their arrangement and the spacing between them. Using these capabilities, we can even create materials that did not exist before, with a broad range of properties per our requirements.”

“The tools we’ve developed for the oxides growth are unique,” adds Prof. Kornblum, who heads the laboratory. “Oxide growth is only the first step. From there, the graduate students start their research. Some focus on the materials’ physical properties, striving to understand how they function, and some utilize these materials to fabricate electronic devices that we hope will revolutionize microelectronics, renewable energy, and other fields.”

The heart of the lab - the oxide growth system

The heart of the lab – the oxide growth system

Ph.D. student Lishai Shoham’s research addresses both of these aspects. She is studying the material’s properties and fabricating transistors from it, aiming to evaluate how it can be harnessed for microelectronics. In her latest scientific publication, Shoham led a team of twelve other researchers from eight research institutions and companies, located in Switzerland, Japan, France and the United States. The team showed that by stretching the material at the atomic level, the elongation of the chemical bonds between the atoms changes the electrical properties: stretching by less than 2% of the atomic bond length, the researchers reduced the electrons’ tendency to hop from atom to atom. Furthermore, this stretching changed how the atoms were arranged in space. Through these tiny changes, which take place at a scale of one picometer, the researchers developed the groundwork for controlling the material’s transition from a conducting state to an insulating state.

According to Shoham, “It is amazing to see that such minute changes in the material’s atomic structure have such a big impact on the electrical properties. We took this material to a synchrotron in Switzerland and saw how these tiny alterations affect the electrons’ arrangement in the material, as well as their behavior. These are the scientific foundations we need, in order to develop future transistors from these unconventional materials. Today, I am implementing the results of our research on related materials, from which I am developing a new type of transistor.”

According to Prof. Kornblum, “it is a great privilege to develop these capabilities here in Israel, to work with brilliant students and collaborate with the world’s leading scientists who contributed to this research. We are reaping the fruits of the excellent scientific infrastructure that the Technion is constantly developing and improving, and of our excellent students.”

The research was conducted at the Sara and Moshe Zisapel Nanoelectronics Center. It was funded by the Israel Science Foundation and supported by the Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute and the Nancy and Stephen Grand Technion Energy Program.

The atomic structure of the material strontium vanadate – illustration of the material’s atomic structure under stretching (right) and compression (left). The center shows the actual atomic arrangement, as imaged by an electron microscope. The bottom illustrates the effect of the stretching and compression on the material’s energy levels and therefore the way in which the electrons are arranged. By controlling these properties, the researchers intend to engineer these materials into future transistors.

The atomic structure of the material strontium vanadate – illustration of the material’s atomic structure under stretching (right) and compression (left). The center shows the actual atomic arrangement, as imaged by an electron microscope. The bottom illustrates the effect of the stretching and compression on the material’s energy levels and therefore the way in which the electrons are arranged. By controlling these properties, the researchers intend to engineer these materials into future transistors.

Read the full article here:

On June 12, the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology inaugurated the Marc Hamon Anières House, a dormitory designed to house 120 students studying at the University who are a part of the Anières Program. The event took place as part of the Technion Board of Governors Meeting.

At the beginning of the Board of Governors meeting, Technion President Professor Uri Sivan awarded Marc Hamon the Guardian pin. The title of Technion Guardian is reserved for individuals who have achieved the highest level of support and commitment to the Technion.

The Anières students with the program’s directors and the Technion management

The Anières students with the program’s directors and the Technion management

Technion President Prof. Uri Sivan said, “when Anières representatives first visited the Technion, many years ago, it didn’t take us long to understand that we shared the same values. The ensuing conversation was all about values, rather than bricks and mortar, and to this day values are the base of this special partnership. Anières is an inspiring program, and I hope that the partnership between us is for life. On behalf of the Technion, I tell you: we are proud of the Anières program, and fully committed to it!”

Technion President Prof. Uri Sivan

Technion President Prof. Uri Sivan

Mr. Hamon studied at the ORT Central Institute in the town of Anières, Switzerland near Geneva – a place established from 1947 to 1997, to educate instructors then in 1959, engineers at the School of Engineers in Geneva. A few years after the closure of the Institute, the program was brought back to life in Israel with the help of Robert Singer, then CEO of World ORT, as an educational project of World ORT – Kadima Mada in collaboration with the Na’aleh program of the Ministry of Education, the Jewish Agency, the Technion, and the Wizo Nahalal Youth Village. The Anières House offers amenities such as shared study spaces, a club, a large balcony, a gallery, and more. It currently houses 120 students, a number that is expected to grow.

Mr. Marc Hamon at the ceremony

Mr. Marc Hamon at the ceremony

“It is a great pleasure for me to be here today to inaugurate the Anières House,” Mr. Hamon said at the inauguration ceremony. “This is a major milestone for the Anières Project. In 1999, I was visiting Geneva, accompanied by an Anières alumnus like me. It brought back memories of how much influence that school, created by Dr. Aron Syngalovski, has had on my life. I approached ORT, we started working with the Technion, and in 2013 we opened, with 30 international students studying in Nahalal. Now we finally have a building for our students, here, on campus, and our dream has become a reality. We dream of giving socioeconomically disadvantaged young bright students the opportunity to study engineering at one of the best engineering schools in the world. This is an opportunity better than the one we had.”

“In the Anières House,” he addressed the students, “you can feel at home, and study efficiently and pleasantly. It’s a center of life where you’re going to learn a profession, bond with other students, and make lifelong friends, which creates a special Anières culture. I hope the next generation of tech technology leaders is going to come from here and perpetuate the Anières dream.”

The years of their engineering or computer science degree, students receive financial, academic and social support. Thanks to a skilled team responsible for the progress of every individual student, extracurricular workshops, additional content, events and mutual responsibility, the Anières students become a strong and nurturing community.

From left to right: Mr. Robert Singer, Mr. Marc Hamon and Technion President Prof. Uri Sivan

From left to right: Mr. Robert Singer, Mr. Marc Hamon and Technion President Prof. Uri Sivan

Mr. Robert Singer, co-founder of the program, said “The Anières project will change the lives of hundreds of students, becoming an engine of the future of Israel. It gives bright students the opportunity to succeed, in the location that would support and nurture them along the way. Thank you, Marc, for believing in this institution and in these young students! It is an honor for me to take part in this project. Marc Hamon was born in Morocco. In Anières, Marc Hamon was given an opportunity. He took it, and he triumphed in his career. And he never forgot it was his duty to likewise help others. I hope the students of today will one day be in the same position.”

Mr. Robert Singer at the ceremony

Mr. Robert Singer at the ceremony

Jacques Levy, President of Anières Alumni Association, also addressed the students: “I rejoice at the inauguration of this house. One hundred and twenty students from the Anières program already live here. This house will be the center of many social and cultural events. Our mission is to facilitate studies and open new horizons. We wish to nurture curiosity and a taste of adventure. You will become Technion engineers, but with a little something extra; you will be leaders. I wish you beautiful studies and great moments in your house!”

Mr. Jacques Levy, President of Anières Alumni Association

Mr. Jacques Levy, President of Anières Alumni Association

Yakira Hannah Bienenfeld, Anières student in the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, recounted how she moved to Israel during high school. “I’ve always dreamed about studying in the Technion,” she said. “I’ve heard about the Anières program, but only after joining, I realized how amazing it is. Marc Hamon’s vision is realized here every day. Ira, Yael and Mor are creating a close-knit community. On behalf of all Anières students, I thank Mr. Hamon and the team who led the inauguration of the Marc Hamon Anières House in the Technion – our new home!”

Ms. Yakira Hannah Bienenfeld

Ms. Yakira Hannah Bienenfeld

Technion Dean of Students, Professor Ayelet Fishman, the event’s Mistress of Ceremonies, said that the Anières House aims to be a “home away from home” for the students – a place where they would be able not only to study their chosen discipline, but also exchange ideas, spend time together, and form a social network that would stay with them throughout their career. “This was an important characteristic of Anières House in Switzerland, and that’s what Mr. Hamon wishes to give our students here.”

The Dean of Students, Prof. Ayelet Fishman

The Dean of Students, Prof. Ayelet Fishman